This month International Food Challenge drives us to East African Cuisine. Ramya of is hosting this month and challenged us with 4 East African dishes. I have selected Jugu cake from the list. Little info about East African cuisine and Jugu cake.
East Africa or Eastern Africa is the easterly region of the African continent, which includes Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, and Comoros.
The cuisine of East Africa varies from area to area. Several centuries before, Indians, Arabs, Portuguese settled in Africa brought their foods along with them...So most of African food has their influences. And you won't be amazed to see chapatti, Biryani and many Indian dishes in their menu list..
Jugu Cake isn't a cake, it is more like an Italian biscotti with peanuts. Jugu means nuts and they use peanuts which is easily available in their place. It has been suggested the basic biscotti recipe was brought to East Africa by some Italian explorers long ago and the recipe was Africanized and given a African name. Now let see the recipe..
Dry Ingredients |
2. Combine first four dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.
Flex Seed Mixture |
Wet Ingredients |
Mix Dry and Wet Ingredients |
Soft dough |
Shape in to logs |
Bake it for 30 minutes @ 350 deg F |
Cool and slice the logs |
Arrange and bake again for 10 minutes @ 350 deg F |
Jugu CakePreparation time: 10 minutesBaking time: 40 minutesCooling time:10 minutesDry Ingredients:1 ⅔ cups all purpose flour1 ⅛ cups sugar1 ¼ tsp baking powder¼ tsp saltCrushed roasted peanuts for toppingWet Ingredients:¾ cup crunchy peanut butter¾ cup milk¼ cup olive oil or any cooking oil1 tsp vanilla essence1 egg or 1 tbsp ground flex seed +3 tbsp waterMethod:1. Preheat oven to 350 degree F. Grease and line 9 x 13 baking tray with parchment paper / aluminium foil or use silpat mat. Keep it aside til use.2. Combine first four dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.3. Mix 1 tbsp of flex seed with 3 tbsp water and rest it for 2 minutes or until in becomes thickens. If you are using egg skip this flex seed and water.4. Combine peanut butter, milk, oil, vanilla and flex seed mixture or egg in a mixing bowl. Stir until everything combine together.5. Pour in combined wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together to get a soft dough. Add more flour if your dough is too sticky. I added extra ⅛ cup of flour to get non sticky dough.6. Divide the prepared dough in to two equal portions and place it on the prepared tray. Gently flatten it to form a logs and top it with crushed peanuts. Bake it in preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes. After 30 minutes remove the log and cool it for 5 ~ 10 minutes.7. Slice the logs in to equal size pieces and arrange it on the tray, so that their inner parts are either touching the tray or exposed to the air, as below.8. Bake it again for 10 minutes. Cool and serve with tea or Adapted from Quanto Basto
Linking it to International Food Challenge, Hosted by Ramya and started by me and Shobana.
Unknown says
perfect saras and am missing baking and sure try this one when am into baking
Saraswathi Ganeshan says
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Priya Suresh says
Scrumptious biscottis, cant stop just with one..
Michal says
This looks really good! thanks for the recipe
Asif Janmohamed says
Great job on the jugu cake! I'm glad you were able to use my recipe to adapt from. All the best! Asif - Quanto Basta